Planning a Visit?
Here's what to expect

What time does church start? Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 am. We invite you to come early or stick around after the service so that we can meet you!

Where is the church? Heading out of town on Becker Road we are located just beyond the High School, on the left side of the road. Our address is 2203 E. Becker Rd.

What should I wear? Dress comfortably! Most people dress casually, some are more dressed up. Wear whatever is comfortable for you.

What is the worship service like? A worship service at East Gate consists of contemporary worship music, Scripture readings, prayer, and the preaching of God's Word. A service lasts about an hour long.

What will I do with my kids? There is a nursery provided for the duration of the worship service for infants through 3 years old. Partway through the worship service after the singing, children from 3 years old through 4th grade are dismissed for Children's Church for age-appropriate learning and fun. 

Wanting to join from home?Our worship service will be livestreamed on our Facebook and YouTube pages, which you can find by searching "East Gate Alliance Church Marshfield.”